the door - interactive network furniture
"the door" is an installation that attempts to call into question the myths of collaboration that have emerged in conjunction with Web 2.0 hype. It implements a social network model that involves the interplay of events occurring in real space and Internet-based events. State-of-the-art social networking platforms strive to maximize the degree of precision they achieve with respect to matching up participants’ shared interests.
Participants display great willingness to reveal information about themselves and their interests, no matter how intimate it might be. The objective
is to expand ones own network. The network assembled in "the door" grows, similar to a real social network, as a web of interrelationships. An additional network-immanent characteristic is the tendency of the network structure to sabotage itself. High networking density is, basically speaking, a positive indication of a network’s "vitality"; numerous contacts assure that information is making its way to many nodes.
At the same time, though, there’s the resulting increase in the degree of inflation of difference; the system approaches saturation and nears the threshold of meaningless static (network noise).